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Email Marketing 101 for Not-for-Profits and Businesses

Email Marketing 101 for Not-for-Profits and Businesses

Jun 14, 2022

Let’s jump right in to email marketing 101. Business owners have already spent a considerable amount of money to get their business started. Because of this, they want to be smart about how they allocate their remaining resources. And one of the biggest challenges for business owners when they are just starting out is how to do marketing and sales in the most cost-effective way.

While there are plenty of strategies that are trending in marketing and sales in the form of social media marketing and SEO, email marketing is still proving to be an excellent channel to get conversions for your business. Through email marketing, you’ll have a direct line to your customers. It is an effective way to share your message, build a relationship with your customers, and sell your services.

We’ve outlined some tips for you to get started on email marketing for your business:

Building Your Email List

The first phase of your email marketing strategy is to build your email list.

Your email list is comprised of the people who have essentially given you permission to market to them. You can email them with new offers or upcoming events. Those on your email list are the ones most loyal to your brand and they will be quite happy to receive emails from you.

Place an email sign-up box somewhere clear and conspicuous on your site. Keep this in mind when you discuss web design with the service building your website.

Incorporate email sign-up on into your forms and provide an incentive for registering. Another great way to grow your email list is by word-of-mouth marketing which incorporates email sign-up that allow visitors to forward wish lists, services, products, and other information to their friends.

One of the most effective channels to collect email addresses is at the point-of-sale. If you have a retail store, train your associates to ask customers for their email addresses as part of the checkout process. Do let your customers know about the email frequency and content involved in being part of your mailing list.

Email Marketing Platforms

Having an email marketing platform will complement your efforts and will be the most efficient way for you to communicate with your email list. There are plenty of email marketing platform options to choose from.

When deciding on the right email service provider for your business, there are many tools that you can incorporate into your email marketing strategy that will give you the capability to send as many emails as you want on behalf of your business. Here the reasons why you could benefit from them:

Mobile Responsive Design

According to the Litmus “State of Email” March 2017 report, more email is read on mobile than on desktop email clients. Stats say 54% of email is now opened on a mobile device. Using responsive email templates that adapt to the user’s screen size will ensure that your readers are seeing exactly what you want them to see thus providing the best user experience.

Measuring Bounce Rate

Not only does an email marketing service help you manage your email list by cleaning out old and invalid emails but it should also provide you with the analytics that measures the success of your email marketing campaigns. An important metric to monitor is your email bounce rate.

Planning your strategy and email campaigns are the next step in your email marketing efforts. And if you need help with that, Exceedion is an Indianapolis web design company that specializes in helping their business clients achieve their business goals. They become an extension of your marketing team to deliver the strategy to meet your business goals and grow your business.

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